An Adventure Unit.
You used our MATCH by core Bible story search page and clicked the HEBREWS 10:22 (draw near to God) link. Watch the 3-Video / Key Song Adventure Unit sampler to see how the Tune Bubbler, Word Bundler, and Truth Buzzer videos fuel your teaching!

Want to see more?
View full Tune Bubbler, Word Bundler and Truth Buzzer videos below (in different units) to see how they form an essential teaching supplement! OR ...

✪ From "Bad to Good" (Romans 8:28)
LEARN the truth. Watch as 10 bubble facts and key song lyrics inside a live performance teach the meaning of the passage to MATCH your core Bible story.

✪ From "Up for the Word" (John 20:31)
STORE the truth. Watch as four retention exercises call for students to fill-in blank spaces and place key words out loud to thoroughly memorize the passage.

✪ From "In the Driver's Seat" (Romans 10:17)
APPLY the truth. Watch as Dean-o teaches through 3 KEY PLAY words and illustrates how key songwriting changes reveal important truths in the passage.