Match an Adventure Unit to a core Bible story (from any Bible book/curricula)

core Bible stories
are shown in chronological Bible order (in black) above blue 3-Video / Key Song Adventure Unit links to fun, rejuvenating learning Sequences.
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Genesis 1 - God Creates the World
Genesis 2 - God Creates Man
Genesis 3 - Adam and Eve Sin Against God
Genesis 6 - God Commands Noah to Build an Ark
Genesis 7 - God Floods the Earth
Genesis 8 - God Makes a Promise to His Creation
Genesis 12, 14 - God Calls and Empowers Abram
Genesis 17 - God Promises Isaac to Abraham
Genesis 27 - Jacob Steals Esau's Birthright
Genesis 37 - Joseph's Brothers Sell Him into Slavery
Genesis 39 - Joseph is Falsely Accused and Put into Prison
Genesis 41 - Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Dream
Genesis 45 - Joseph Forgives His Brothers
Exodus 2 - The Birth of Moses
Exodus 3 - Moses and the Burning Bush
Exodus 4 - Moses Receives Signs and Power
Exodus 5 - Moses and Aaron Visit Pharaoh
Exodus 7 - Moses and the Plague of Blood
Exodus 8 - Moses and the Plague of Flies
Exodus 12 - Moses and the Final Plague, the Passover
Exodus 14 - Moses and His People Cross the Red Sea
Exodus 20 - Moses Gives the Ten Commandments
Numbers 13-14 - The Two Spies
Judges 4 - Deborah and Barak Defeat Jabin's Army
Judges 6 - The Lord Sends Gideon
Joshua 1, 6 - God Calls Joshua, Wins Battle of Jericho
Judges 7 - Gideon Defeats the Midianites
Judges 13-16 - Samson Defeats the Philistines
Ruth 1-4 - God's Redemptive Promises to Ruth
1 Samuel 3, 10, 16 - Young Samuel is Called and Annoints Kings
1 Samuel 16 - David Plays the Harp for Saul
1 Samuel 17 - David Defeats Goliath
1 Samuel 20 - David's Friendship with Jonathan
1 Kings 3 - David's Son Solomon Prays for Wisdom
1 Kings 17 - Elijah Receives God's Care
1 Kings 17 - Elijah Raises the Widow's Son to Life
1 Kings 18 - Elijah Defeats the Prophets of Baal
2 Kings 4 - Elisha and the Widow's Oil / Shunammite's Son
2 Kings 22-23 - Josiah Restores Obedience to Book of Law
2 Chronicles 29 - Hezekiah Restores the Fear of God in the Temple
Nehemiah 1-13 - Nehemiah Rebuilds the Wall
Esther 1-10 - God's Redemptive Promises to Esther
Job 1, 42 - Job's Fall, Patience, and Blessing
Isaiah 9 - A Son is Given (Birth of Christ Foretold)
Jeremiah 18 - Jeremiah's Warning and the Lord's Salvation
Daniel 1 - Daniel is Chosen by God
Daniel 3 - Daniel's Friends in the Fiery Furnace
Daniel 5 - Daniel Interprets the Handwriting on the Wall
Daniel 6 - Daniel and the Den of Lions
Jonah 1-3 - Jonah Disobeys, the Great Fish, and Repentance
Matthew 1 - Joseph Obeys the Angel of the Lord
Matthew 3 - Jesus is Baptized
Matthew 4 - Jesus is Tempted by the Devil
Matthew 5 - Jesus Teaches the Beatitudes, Salt & Light
Matthew 6 - Jesus Teaches about Prayer
Matthew 6 - Jesus Teaches about Treasures in Heaven
Matthew 6 - Jesus Teaches about Not Worrying
Matthew 7 - Jesus Teaches about Judging Others
Matthew 7 - Jesus Teaches about a Tree and its Fruit
Matthew 27 - Jesus is Crucified
Matthew 27-28 - Jesus is Raised to Conquer Sin and Death
Mark 1 - Jesus Heals a Man with Leprosy
Mark 2 - Jesus Cures a Paralytic
Mark 3 - Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
Mark 4 - Jesus Calms the Storm
Mark 5 - Jesus Heals a Woman and Raises a Dead Child
Mark 6 - Jesus Feeds 5,000 and Walks on Water
Mark 10 - The Lost Sheep and Jesus' Love for Children
Mark 11 - Jesus Rides into Jerusalem
Mark 14 - Jesus and the Last Supper
Luke 1 - Zechariah and Elizabeth Will Bear a Son
Luke 1 - An Angel Reveals Mary will Give Birth to Jesus
Luke 1 - Mary and Elizabeth Rejoice in God's Promise
Luke 2 - Jesus as a Young Boy in the Temple
Luke 2 - The Birth of Christ
Luke 2 - The Angels Visit the Shepherds
Luke 2 - The Shepherds' Trip to Bethlehem
Luke 4 - Jesus Reveals Himself in the Synagogue
Luke 5 - Jesus Calls His Disciples
Luke 5 - Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath (Parable of Garments, Wineskins)
Luke 6 - The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders
Luke 7 - Jesus Annointed by a Sinful Woman (Parable of Two Debtors)
Luke 8 - the Parable of the Sower
Luke 10 - The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Luke 11 - Jesus' Teaching on Prayer (Parable of the Friend in Need)
Luke 14 - Jesus Tells a Wedding Feast Parable
Luke 15 - Jesus Tells a Parable about a Lost Coin
Luke 19 - Jesus Restores Zacchaeus
Luke 24 - Jesus is Risen from the Dead
John 3 - Jesus Guides Nicodemus to be Born Again
John 4 - Jesus Tells a Samaritan Woman about Eternal Life
John 4 - Jesus Heals the Official's Son
John 9 - Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind
John 11 - Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead
John 13 - Jesus Washes His Disciples' Feet
John 14 - Jesus Shows the Way to the Father
John 15 - The Vine and the Branches
John 17 - Jesus Looks Toward Heaven and Prays
Acts 1 - Jesus Gives the Power of the Holy Spirit
Acts 2 - The Early Believers Gather and Fellowship
Acts 2 - Peter Addresses the Crowd
Acts 4 - The Believers Pray for Boldness of Speech
Acts 8 - Philip Witnesses by the Spirit to the Ethopian
Acts 9 - Saul, Who is Called Paul, Repents
Acts 10 - Peter Learns that Jesus is for All
Acts 16 - Paul and Timothy w/ Lydia
Acts 16 - Paul and Silas Witness to the Prison Guard
Acts 17 - Paul and Silas in Berea
Acts 17 - Paul Makes God Known in Idol-filled Athens
Acts 22 - Paul Tells His Story to the Unbelieving Crowd
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